Bransby Horses Case Study
Hear from Bransby Horses, a valued Xeretec customer who has invested in Managed Print Services, O365 Security with Barracuda, Cyber Security Services & Device as a Service
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Publish date: 14.07.23
Bransby Horses is an equine welfare and rescue charity with 185 members of staff across two sites. Bransby started working with Xeretec back in 2018, when they invested in a Managed Print solution. The level of trust built up from the initial print project has allowed Bransby to trust Xeretec as an ongoing consultant, providing advice and support in multiple areas. Xeretec now supply and support two thirds of Bransby’s infrastructure.
Drivers for change
- To replace unmanaged desktop printers with high charges for toner cartridges and maintenance packages
- The desire to migrate the majority of their infrastructure to the cloud
- A secure print solution ensuring Bransby complied with GDPR regulations surrounding their supporter’s data and no documents would be left unattended
- The creation of a regular replacement plan for laptops & desktops
- New EPOS solutions in the charities gift shop and café
- The desire to keep pace with technological changes that will enable the charity to perform and deliver better results
- Achieving government recommended certification Cyber Essentials as part of Bransby’s GDPR provision to show supporters their data is being correctly managed
- Enhance the existing, native Microsoft security Bransby didn’t have total confidence in to protect from all threats
Explore Bransby’s solutions in more detailed videos here:
Xerox Managed Print Service (MPS): https://youtu.be/gyJb6CUAf4Q
HP Device as a Service (DaaS): https://youtu.be/49BT-OHm3K0
Cyber Security with Barracuda & Xeretec’s Cyber Security Services: https://youtu.be/leJ-0DWnurQ
Positive Outcomes
Here are a few of the positive outcomes Bransby Horses achieved from each of their investments:
Managed Print
Print costs were reduced by 1/3 and the solution starting paying for itself within it’s first year of deployment. Automated consumables provision also reduced the time taken to source and order supplies whilst ensuring maximum uptime of all devices
Device as a Service
Bransby gained the ability to accurately forecast spend with a 4-year replacement plan for all hardware. All service and support queries are dealt with by Xeretec’s helpdesk, with engineers being onsite to rectify faults within 24 hours
Cyber Security
Barracuda now filter out 25% of Bransby’s emails preventing phishing attacks from landing in any users’ inboxes. They have also achieved government backed certification Cyber Essentials, proving to their supporters that their data is being protected correctly